What is Rythu Bandhu Scheme? Who is eligible?

The Rythu Bandhu scheme is an agricultural investment support program implemented by the Government of Telangana, a state in India. The term “Rythu Bandhu” translates to “Friend of Farmers” in the Telugu language.

Under the Rythu Bandhu scheme, the government provides financial assistance to farmers in the form of direct cash transfers. The objective of the scheme is to support and uplift small and marginal farmers by providing them with financial assistance to meet their agricultural investment needs and improve their agricultural productivity.

Key features of the Rythu Bandhu scheme include:

Direct cash transfers: The scheme involves providing direct financial assistance to farmers in the form of cash transfers. The cash amount is provided per acre of land owned by the farmer.

Investment support: The cash assistance is intended to help farmers meet various agricultural investment needs, such as purchasing seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and other inputs required for farming.

Eligibility criteria: The scheme is primarily targeted towards small and marginal farmers who own agricultural land. The eligibility criteria may vary from state to state.

Regular disbursement: The cash assistance is disbursed on a regular basis, usually twice a year, to coincide with the cropping seasons.

Benefit to landowners: The Rythu Bandhu scheme focuses on providing benefits to landowners rather than tenant farmers or agricultural laborers. The intention is to support farmers who own and cultivate their land.

The Rythu Bandhu scheme has gained recognition for its direct transfer of financial assistance to farmers, which aims to reduce their dependence on moneylenders and middlemen. It provides farmers with greater control over their farming operations and aims to improve agricultural productivity and income levels.