Sun Facts: what would happen if human go to sun?


Going onto the Sun is not possible with our current technology, and even if it were somehow achievable, it would result in instant death due to the extreme heat, radiation, gravity, and lack of breathable air. The Sun is a fascinating celestial object, but it is not a place where humans can survive.

If a human were to somehow go onto the surface of the Sun, it would be a catastrophic and fatal event. The Sun is an extremely hostile environment for life as we know it, and the conditions there are incredibly inhospitable.

Here are some of the reasons why going onto the Sun would be deadly:

  1. Extreme Temperature: The surface of the Sun has an average temperature of about 5,500 degrees Celsius (9,932 degrees Fahrenheit). This is hot enough to instantly vaporize any known materials and certainly any human being.
  2. Intense Radiation: The Sun emits a vast amount of harmful radiation, including X-rays and ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which would quickly kill any unprotected organism. Even getting close to the Sun would expose you to lethal levels of radiation.
  3. Crushing Gravitational Force: The Sun’s gravity is about 27 times stronger than Earth’s gravity. If you somehow managed to get close to the Sun’s surface, the gravitational forces would crush you.
  4. Lack of Air: There is no breathable atmosphere on the Sun. It is primarily composed of extremely hot and dense gases, mostly hydrogen and helium, with no oxygen or other gases necessary for human respiration.

What would happen if satellite falls on Sun?

If a satellite were to fall into the Sun, it would be completely incinerated and destroyed. The Sun is an extremely hot and massive star, with temperatures reaching millions of degrees Celsius in its core.

Any object, including a satellite, that comes into close proximity to the Sun would be subjected to intense heat and radiation, causing it to vaporize long before it even reaches the Sun’s surface.

There would be no trace of the satellite left, as it would become part of the Sun’s blazing plasma.