Rajinikanth’s inspiring journey from a bus conductor to superstar

Rajinikanth, the legendary Indian actor, appeared in more than 160 movies till now. His latest film Jailer is getting huge response across the world and box office collections crossed Rs 500 crore mark.

The superstar began his journey from humble beginnings as a bus conductor to becoming a superstar in the film industry.

Rajinikanth in his latest movie Jailer, Photo credit: Sun Pictures

Rajinikanth’s Early Life and Background

Rajinikanth was born as Shivaji Rao Gaekwad on December 12, 1950, in Bangalore, India. He hailed from a modest Marathi family and faced financial struggles during his upbringing.

Rajinikanth as a Bus Conductor

To support his family and himself, Rajinikanth took up various odd jobs after completing his education. One of these jobs was working as a bus conductor with the Bangalore Transport Service (BTS). During his time as a bus conductor, he used to participate in stage plays and various acting activities as a part of his interest.

Rainikanth in Jailer Movie
Rainikanth in Jailer Movie

Rajinikanth’s Entry into Films

Rajinikanth’s interest in acting eventually led him to join the Madras Film Institute in 1973. He learned acting and improved his skills there. He made his acting debut in the Tamil film “Apoorva Raagangal” (1975), directed by K. Balachander. His performance in the film earned him recognition and marked the beginning of his acting career.

Rainikanth in Jailer Movie
Rainikanth in Jailer Movie

Unique Style and Persona

Rajinikanth’s unique style, dialogue delivery, and on-screen charisma quickly gained him a massive fan following. His larger-than-life persona, combined with his distinctive mannerisms and dialogue delivery, helped him stand out from other actors.

Rise to Superstardom

Over the years, Rajinikanth starred in numerous successful films, showcasing his acting prowess and captivating audiences. His iconic roles in movies like “Billa,” “Mullum Malarum,” “Thalapathi,” “Sivaji,” and many more contributed to his rise as a megastar in the Indian film industry, particularly in Tamil cinema.

Rajinikanth in jailer movie
Rajinikanth in jailer movie

Global Recognition

Rajinikanth’s journey from a bus conductor to a celebrated actor is a testament to his perseverance, talent, and the opportunities he seized. His unique style, powerful screen presence, and dedication to his craft have made him one of the most revered and iconic figures in Indian cinema.

(Note: Suggestions for corrections are always welcome)