Key facts about Almatti Dam

Almatti Dam is a large reservoir located on the Krishna River in the state of Karnataka, India. It is built near the village of Almatti in the Bagalkot district. The dam was constructed to control and harness the water of the Krishna River for various purposes, including irrigation, hydroelectric power generation, and drinking water supply.

Here are some key details about the Almatti Dam:

Almatti Dam Purpose:

The primary purpose of the Almatti Dam is irrigation. It helps in providing water for agricultural activities in the surrounding region, benefiting farmers and increasing agricultural productivity. The dam also serves as a source of drinking water supply for nearby towns and villages.

Pic credit: Karnataka Govt.

Reservoir Capacity:

The reservoir formed by the dam has a total storage capacity of about 3.08 billion cubic meters (BCM) of water. It is one of the largest reservoirs in Karnataka and plays a crucial role in meeting the water requirements of the region.

Hydroelectric Power Generation:

Almatti Dam also has a hydroelectric power station with an installed capacity of 240 megawatts (MW). The power station utilizes the flow of water from the reservoir to generate electricity, contributing to the energy needs of the state.

Length and Height:

The dam has a total length of approximately 1,700 meters (5,600 feet) and a maximum height of around 49 meters (161 feet). The dam structure is made of concrete and is designed to withstand the pressure exerted by the stored water.

Almatti Dam
Pic credit: Karnataka Govt.

Command Area:

The command area of Almatti Dam covers parts of several districts, including Bagalkot, Bijapur, Raichur, and Gulbarga. It helps in irrigating a significant amount of agricultural land in these regions, facilitating the growth of crops like sugarcane, paddy, and various vegetables.

The construction of Almatti Dam faced some controversies and opposition due to its impact on the environment and displacement of local communities. However, the dam continues to play a crucial role in water management, irrigation, and power generation in the region, contributing to the socio-economic development of the surrounding areas.

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