Kerala Kalamassery Blasts: 8 tips to suspect IED attacks

Two IED blasts took place at a convention center in Kerala. The incident took place in Kalamassery area.

Ernakulam Police said that one person was killed and people were injured in these blasts. The incident took place on Sunday morning.

Video From the convention centre

What to do when you suspect an IED?

Suspecting an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) blast is a serious matter, and it’s important to prioritize safety and follow proper procedures.

If you suspect an IED, here are some steps to consider:

1. Stay alert: Be vigilant and aware of your surroundings, especially in areas with a history of conflict or where the risk of IEDs is higher.

2. Suspicious objects: Look for unusual or suspicious objects, especially those that are out of place, have wires, batteries, or timers attached, or are hidden in bags or containers.

3. Unattended bags or packages: Be cautious around unattended bags, packages, or backpacks in public places. If something seems unusual, report it to authorities.

4. Strange behavior: Pay attention to people acting strangely, such as attempting to leave a bag or backpack behind or behaving nervously.

5. Unusual smells: Be cautious of any unusual odors, like a strong chemical or burning smell, which may indicate the presence of explosives.

6. Evacuation: If you suspect an IED, don’t touch or tamper with it. Move away from the area, and encourage others to do the same.

7. Alert Police: immediately Call the police, emergency services to report your suspicions. Provide as much detail as possible. ‘112’ is a nationwide emergency helpline toll free number for police, fire, and ambulance, etc. It’s services are available 24*7 across the country

8. Follow official instructions: If there is an official response, follow their instructions carefully, whether it involves evacuation or sheltering in place.

Important note:

Never try to investigate or handle a suspected IED on your own, as this can be extremely dangerous. Leave it to the professionals to handle the situation.

Read: Government of India standard operating procedures for schools