How to protect yourself from Lions?

If you encounter a lion, it’s important to prioritize your safety. Here are some steps to consider:

Don’t Run

Running may trigger a lion’s predatory instincts. Instead, back away slowly while facing the lion, and maintain eye contact if possible.

Appear Larger

Raise your arms, open your jacket, or hold an object above your head to make yourself look larger. This might discourage the lion from approaching.
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Eye Contact

If the lion starts to approach, continue to make eye contact while slowly backing away. Do not turn your back on the lion.

But, in some cases, intense eye contact might be seen as a threat. Gauge the lion’s behavior and adjust your response accordingly.

Speak Calmly

Speak in a firm and calm voice. This might help convey that you are a human and not prey.

Use Noise and Movement

Make noise by shouting, clapping, or using an air horn if you have one. Sudden movements might deter the lion.

Protect Yourself

If the lion attacks, use anything you have to defend yourself. Aim for the eyes, nose, or throat, as these are sensitive areas.
Most lions will avoid humans if given the chance. It’s important to educate yourself about the behavior of the local wildlife if you are in an area where lions are present.