How to make Dosa at home? Follow these steps

To make dosa at home, you will need the following ingredients:

For the dosa batter:

2 cups of rice (any variety, such as regular white rice or parboiled rice)
1 cup of split black lentils (urad dal)
1/2 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds (optional)
Water for soaking and grinding
Salt to taste
For making the dosa:

Dosa batter
Oil or ghee for cooking
Optional accompaniments:

Coconut chutney
Here’s a step-by-step guide to making dosa:

Soak the rice, lentils, and fenugreek seeds in separate bowls for at least 4-6 hours or overnight. Make sure to use enough water to cover them.

After soaking, drain the water from the rice and lentils. Rinse them once or twice.

Grind the lentils and fenugreek seeds together in a wet grinder or blender. Add water gradually while grinding to get a smooth, fluffy batter. The consistency should be slightly thick and pouring.

Transfer the ground lentil batter to a large bowl.

Now grind the soaked rice, adding water gradually until you get a smooth batter. The rice batter should be slightly coarse compared to the lentil batter.

Combine the rice batter with the lentil batter in the bowl. Mix them well together. Add salt to taste and mix again.

Cover the bowl with a clean cloth or lid and let the batter ferment in a warm place for around 8-12 hours or overnight. Fermentation is important as it gives the dosa its characteristic taste and texture.

Once the batter has fermented, you will notice it has risen and become slightly frothy.

Now, heat a non-stick or cast-iron dosa tawa (griddle) on medium-high heat.

Take a ladleful of dosa batter and pour it onto the center of the tawa.

Using the back of the ladle, spread the batter in a circular motion to form a thin, even layer. Start from the center and move outwards.

Drizzle a little oil or ghee around the edges of the dosa and on top.

Cook the dosa on medium heat until the bottom turns golden brown and crispy. This should take around 2-3 minutes.

Flip the dosa gently using a spatula and cook the other side for another minute or so.

Remove the dosa from the tawa and serve hot with coconut chutney and sambar.

Repeat the process with the remaining batter to make more dosas.

Enjoy your homemade dosas!

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