Guntur Kaaram: Why is Guntur Mirchi so special?

Mahesh Babu in Guntur Kaaram Movie

Guntur Mirchi, also known as Guntur Chili (Telugu: mirapakayalu), refers to a specific variety of chili peppers grown in the region of Guntur in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Guntur Mirchi holds a special place in the culinary world for several reasons:

Guntur kaaram, ITC Ashorwad chilli powder
ITC Ashirwad Chilli powder


Guntur Mirchi is renowned for its high level of spiciness. It is known to have a fiery heat that adds a distinct and intense flavor to dishes. The pungency and heat of Guntur Mirchi make it a popular choice for those who enjoy spicy food.

YSRCP MLA Vidadala Rajini inspects chilli crops | Guntur kaaram
YSRCP MLA Vidadala Rajini inspects chilli crops

Geographical Indication (GI) tag

Guntur Mirchi has been granted the Geographical Indication (GI) status, which signifies its unique qualities and characteristics associated with the specific geographical region of Guntur. The GI tag provides recognition and protection to the chili peppers grown in Guntur, ensuring that they are authentic and of superior quality.

Agricultural significance

Guntur has favorable soil and climatic conditions that are well-suited for chili cultivation. The region’s red soil and tropical climate contribute to the unique flavor and spiciness of Guntur Mirchi. The chili peppers grown in Guntur are known for their vibrant red color and distinctive taste.

Guntur Mirchi      Guntur kaaram
Pic Credit: Nuziveedu seeds

Culinary versatility

Guntur Mirchi is widely used in traditional Andhra Pradesh cuisine, where spice plays a crucial role. It is a key ingredient in many popular dishes like curries, chutneys, pickles, and powders. The spiciness of Guntur Mirchi enhances the flavor profile of these dishes, adding a fiery kick.

Due to its unique characteristics, Guntur Mirchi has gained popularity not only in Andhra Pradesh but also across India and internationally. It is sought after by chefs, spice enthusiasts, and those looking to add a bold and spicy element to their culinary creations.

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