Is it good to visit Kerala in winter?

Yes, visiting Kerala in the winter, which spans from December to February, is generally considered an excellent time.

Here are the pros and cons of visiting Kerala in the winter:

Kerala tour, Kerala tour in winter
Pic credit: KeralaTourism


Pleasant Weather: The winter months in Kerala offer cooler and more comfortable temperatures compared to the hot and humid summers. It’s an ideal time for outdoor activities and exploring the region.

Lush Greenery: Kerala is known for its lush landscapes and during the winter, the vegetation is at its greenest and most vibrant, making it a visually stunning time to visit.

Festivals: Kerala hosts several cultural and religious festivals during the winter, such as Christmas and New Year celebrations, making it a festive and lively time to experience local culture.

Wildlife: Wildlife enthusiasts will find this season excellent for visiting national parks and wildlife sanctuaries as animals are more active in the cooler weather.

Backwaters: The backwaters of Kerala are a popular attraction, and the winter months offer a comfortable climate for enjoying houseboat rides and exploring the tranquil waterways.

Kerala natural beauty, visit Kerala in winter
Pic credit: KeralaTourism


  1. Peak Tourist Season: Since winter is the peak tourist season in Kerala, it can be crowded, and accommodations may be more expensive. It’s advisable to book well in advance.
  2. Limited Availability: Due to high demand, popular tourist spots and accommodations may fill up quickly, limiting flexibility in your travel plans.
  3. Higher Prices: Prices for flights, accommodations, and activities can be higher during this peak season, which may impact your travel budget.
  4. Limited Rainfall: If you’re hoping to experience Kerala’s lush green landscape with heavy rainfall, you won’t find it during the winter. Rainfall is minimal during these months.

Also read: Best places to visit in Kerala